Foot pain is a common issue that can significantly impair your daily life. 
Understanding the causes and available treatments is crucial for managing this discomfort. Here, we discuss ten prevalent conditions that cause foot pain and effective ways to address them.

1. Bunions

Bunions are bony bumps that form on the joint at the base of your big toe. They occur when your big toe drifts out of alignment due to footwear and genetic factors.

Treatment options include wearing roomy shoes, using bunion pads, and in severe cases, surgery. Learn more about bunion treatment here.

2. Tibialis Posterior Tendonitis

Tibialis posterior tendonitis occurs when the tendon running down the inside of the ankle and into the foot becomes inflamed or stretched. This tendon is crucial for arch support and certain ankle movements, and when it is under stress, it can cause significant pain.

Basic treatment includes using orthotics and supportive footwear with arch support and medial wedging to reduce tendon stress.

If left untreated it may progress to tibialis posterior tendon dysfunction.

Learn more about tibialis posterior dysfunction here.

3. Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of heel pain, involving inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue running across the bottom of your foot.

It is primarily treated using custom foot orthotics or silicone heel cushions. Custom orthotics are designed for patients with biomechanical issues such as medial arch collapse, providing both arch support and heel cushioning.

For milder symptoms without biomechanical abnormalities, silicone heel cushions are recommended to alleviate tension on the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia.

At Orthotics Plus, we have extensive information on this topic, which can be found in our detailed guides.

4. Flat Feet (Pes Planus)

Flat feet or collapsed arches can be genetic or due to weakness in the soft tissues around the foot. This condition can cause pain and discomfort.

Treatment typically involves providing medial arch support and possibly a medial wedge to correct foot posture and alleviate pain.

Learn more about flat feet and how we make custom orthotics for them.

5. Stress Fractures

Stress fractures are tiny cracks in a bone caused by repetitive force or overuse, often seen in athletes.

These fractures often occur in locations such as the distal second metatarsal, navicular, tibia shaft, and base of the fifth metatarsal, presenting with localized pain, swelling, and tenderness that worsen with activity.

Treatment involves immobilization methods like moon boots, rigid sole shoes, and carbon fiber stiffening to minimize movement and promote healing.

We have comprehensive resources on stress fractures that provide in-depth information on symptoms and treatments.

6. Metatarsalgia

Metatarsalgia is a general term for pain in the forefoot or the metatarsal heads, the bony prominences at the base of your toes.

Treatment aims to offload the affected area using custom-made orthotics with metatarsal domes or bars, which help reduce pressure and pain.

Learn more about metatarsalgia.

7. Morton’s Neuroma

Morton’s neuroma is a condition where a ball of nerve tissue forms between the third and fourth metatarsals, causing sharp, burning pain in the foot.

Narrow shoes can exacerbate the pain.

Treatment includes orthotics with medial arch support and a metatarsal dome, along with appropriate footwear to reduce nerve compression.

Learn more about morton’s neuroma.

8. Midfoot Osteoarthritis

Midfoot osteoarthritis involves degeneration of the joints in the midfoot area, often due to poor foot posture over many years.

Treatment includes supporting the midfoot with arch support and using a carbon fibre stiffener to immobilise arthritic joints, mimicking surgical fusion without the need for surgery.

Learn more about osteoarthritis.

9. First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Osteoarthritis

This type of osteoarthritis affects the base of the big toe, causing significant pain, especially during toe flexion.

Treatment involves orthotics that offload the big toe joint and sometimes a carbon fibre stiffener to limit joint movement, similar to treatments for midfoot osteoarthritis.

10. Sever’s Disease

Sever’s disease is a condition often seen in active children, where the heel bone is not fully formed, causing significant heel pain.

Treatment focuses on pain reduction with heel cushioning, arch support, and activity modification until the bone fully develops.

Learn more about sever’s disease.

Do You Need Support?

These common foot conditions can cause significant discomfort, but many effective treatments are available.

If you’re experiencing foot pain, visit one of our clinic locations in Melbourne for a comprehensive evaluation and personalised treatment plan. Don’t let foot pain hold you back—seek professional care to regain comfort and mobility.

Contact Orthotics Plus Melbourne.